All plants, but especially newly installed plantings, need adequate moisture now in order to grow, thrive and survive through the winter. Now is the time to hydrate your plants. Attached to this article is a printable watering reminder. It’s perfect to hang on the fridge or hand to your vacation house-sitter.
Watering is the best way to protect your landscaping investment, and each type of plant has a different watering schedule necessary for the plant’s development. In the PDF below, we sum up the unique watering schedules needed for shade and evergreen trees, flowering shrubs, evergreen shrubs and perennials and grasses.
Once the ground freezes, your plants cannot absorb any more water, so these warm months are the best time to give your landscaping good, long drinks.
If you go out of town, ask someone to water your plants. New construction landscaping is particularly vulnerable to neglect, especially if you have not moved into the location yet. Be vigilant about watering at your new home.
Don’t Forget: Print!
Everyone is busy: To help you manage your plant care, we have attached a printable PDF. Landscaping is an investment; watering is the best way to see a great return.
If you have questions about caring for your new landscaping, contact us. We’re happy to help.