Working Hard for You
The Seiler’s Landscaping crews are out and working hard for our clients. We have all been trained in proper practices to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Fortunately, our outdoor work allows us to keep providing excellent service for homeowners.
We look forward to hearing about new projects for this spring and summer. We are holding face-to-face meetings (at a safe distance) and making site visits. Of course, we are always happy to talk about projects by phone or email, too.
Here are some of the steps we are taking to protect our clients and employees:
Taking crew members’ temperatures daily
Calling clients before their appointment to make sure they are comfortable having work done at their home during this time
Staggering start times for all crew members
Cleaning trucks, tools and equipment at the start and end of each work day
Cleaning surfaces at our office at the start and end of each day
Foremen are completing paperwork in their trucks to avoid crowding in the office
Limiting trucks to drivers only, no passengers
All crew wearing outdoor work gloves at all times
Office personnel working from home whenever possible.
If you haven’t already signed up for your spring cleanup, please do so. Our calendar fills up quickly and we’d like everyone to be able to enjoy a beautifully manicured yard this spring. You and your home deserve the very best!